The Drakkar Atlantec Group has increased investments to acquire oceanographic instruments for rent, so that customers can use them only for the time they want, without the need of a large movement of resources.
At the moment Drakkar Atlantec Group, composed by Drakkar Atlantec Engenharia Offshore Ltda., Atlantec Sistemas de Medição e Controle Ltda. and Drakkar Engenharia Oceanográfica, Ltda, has four point currentometers manufactured by Falmouth Scientific Inc. one deep water model unit (up to 7000m) and two shallow water model units (up to 200m), two Teledyne RDI acoustic profilers, both sentinel models one of 1200kHz capable of measuring the ocean current up to 24m another of 600kHz with measurement capacity up to 70m, and two Falmouth Scientific CTD's.